Verified Sellers✅
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The following sellers have been personally verified and vetted by the EDC Bid Team.
50_Shades_of_Slash✔️ | Knifes_a_bitch✔️ |
50Fathom✔️ | Knives_n_tech✔️ |
Aaron_0413✔️ | Knivesbythegram✔️ |
apurvisblades✔️ | knivezster✔️ |
AW.Blades✔️ | Koko1✔️ |
balbright17✔️ | kregstrong✔️ |
BaronCutlery✔️ | LanceLeon✔️ |
Bladesinstuff✔️ | Larevoknives✔️ |✔️ | Laszlo_79✔️ |
Carverknives✔️ | Lumablades✔️ |
Cbcgeneral✔️ | mayhemedc✔️ |
chrisrg26✔️ | MikeLouns✔️ |
Clifftalon✔️ | MrFish888✔️ |
Cmfmetalworks✔️ | NCCknives✔️ |
Coffey_n_blades✔️ | nickshabazz✔️ |
ConorMC✔️ | Opusx1✔️ |
Ddgreenb✔️ | PVK✔️ |
deeteedan✔️ | Rezak✔️ |
dlanglais8✔️ | ROBlades✔️ |
EAUPIZZA✔️ | Robryan2424✔️ |
EDCCitizen✔️ | Rusdon✔️ |
EDCSavkov✔️ | sdk_novablades_✔️ |
Freezearno✔️ | Sethswan1984✔️ |
geezersedge✔️ | sfknifeguy✔️ |
healswithsteel✔️ | SharpBladesOnly✔️ |
House_of_Begg✔️ | Sid_137✔️ |
hwit_heafod✔️ | TALON✔️ |
Iloveedctoys✔️ | Thats_not_a_knife✔️ |
Industrial_h20✔️ | Thetitaniumninja✔️ |
IronCountyKnives✔️ | The_Hobbit✔️ |
Jamicus✔️ | Tony.Meador✔️ |
Jborja343✔️ | Toysrjd✔️ |
JDVDKNIVES✔️ | T-Dawg1984✔️ |
kidheroic✔️ | utopiahaze✔️ |
kielt26✔️ | vykmaximus✔️ |✔️ | WhoSam✔️ |
KnifeNutsPodcast✔️ | wickettedge✔️ |
Use this page with your own discretion as this is just a guide, there will always be situations we cannot account for nor can we be responsible for. Just be vigilant in your decision making process and know the community members well.